Über uns

Willkommen zu De-Radio.com, your go-to destination for all things related to radio broadcasting in Germany.

Our Mission

At De-Radio.com, our mission is to provide a wide resource for radio lovers, listeners, and industry professionals. We’re dedicated to promoting and celebrating the rich collection of radio broadcasting in Germany.

Who We Are

De-Radio.com is a team of passionate individuals who share a deep love for the medium of radio. Our team includes seasoned broadcasters, technology experts, and radio lovers who have come together to create a space where you can explore, learn, und verbinden Sie sich mit der Welt des Radios.

What We Offer

  • Radio Directory: Our vast directory covers a wide range of radio stations in Germany, from local community radio to national networks. Discover and explore the diverse offerings of radio stations across Germany.
  • News and Insights: Stay updated with the latest news, trends, und Einblicke in die Welt des Rundfunks. Our team provides valuable content for both industry professionals and radio lovers.
  • Gemeinschaft: We aim to foster a vibrant community of radio enthusiasts. Join our forums, Vernetzen Sie sich mit anderen Zuhörern, und teilen Sie Ihre Liebe zum Radio.

Our History

De-Radio.com is a part of iRadioStudio.com and was founded in 2024 with a vision to create a one-stop hub for all things radio from Germany. Since then, wir sind gewachsen und haben uns weiterentwickelt, continually expanding our offerings and reach.

Get in Touch

Wir würden uns freuen, von Ihnen zu hören! Whether you have feedback, suggestions, oder einfach nur eine Verbindung herstellen wollen, Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Contact us at iradiostudiocom@gmail.com

Thank you for being a part of the De-Radio.com community. We look forward to sharing the exciting world of radio with you.