Flavor Mix


About Flavor Mix

Flavor Mix is a Berlin-based German online radio station that is known for its eclectic mix of R&B, pop, hip-hop, and urban songs. The station has achieved international fame for its non-stop mix shows, which feature DJs like as Grandmaster Ben, Fab 5 Finger, and Jonny.Joka, who are known for their quick and eclectic mixing abilities, providing up to 1,200 tracks per day. The station is known for its consistent, high-energy mix shows, which provide listeners with a smooth and entertaining musical experience.

More Information


Website: www.urban-drinks.de/stars

Language: German

Email: booking@flavormix.de

Contact Number: +49-30-288737-11

Address: Kurfürstendamm 14 10719 Berlin Germany

Flavor Mix